Books by Stan Posey L. Ac., Dipl. Ac.

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Foundational Flows book cover

Foundational Flows new

Using Jin Shin Jyutsu and the Astrological Birth Chart to Create Flow between Soul and Spirit

Awakening and Facilitating the Alchemical Wedding of Soul and Spirit

The Foundational Level Course

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In these spiritually potent times

Inspriational message

Easter 2020 book cover

Easter 2020, the 9/11 Nodal Return, the Shadow of COVID-19 and the Sun of Christ (updated)

On Easter 2020, we found ourselves on the planet at a time of the Moon's Nodal return to the same position it was September 11, 2001. The crisis of the COVID-19 virus and pandemic has led to a similarly potent global impact as we saw in 2001. What can we find by looking at the heavenly signs to help us unfold the meaning of this open window to soul and spirit which is so pregnant with healing potential?

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